Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Penguin Lady

On Friday, The Penguin Lady came to first grade.  Dyan deNapoli, author of The Great Penguin Rescue, is an expert on penguins and came to share her knowledge with us.  Thank you DBS PTO for funding this incredible experience for us!
The Penguin Lady demonstrating how penguins use camouflage to survive.
All of the first grade classes came to the library where Dyan had a great quiz show set up for them to participate in.  She said more than once how impressed she was with the extent of their knowledge about penguins.  She was able to teach all of us a few new things though!

We found out that penguins do have knees (we had just read that they didn't before attending her presentation).  They just keep their legs bent all the time so that it looks like they don't have them.  This is why they waddle so much when they walk.  We also learned an interesting fact about how penguins keep their nests clean, despite spending so much time on them.  The answer relates to penguin guano and the students LOVED her picture that went along with this fact!  Be thankful you didn't have to see it!

Our penguin unit (sadly) is almost complete.  I enjoy this unit as much as the students do!  Please take some time this week to review your child's penguin folder.  They have learned so much and should be excited to share this with you!  (Penguin folders will be sent home some time this week).


  1. Bryce can't stop talking about penguins! I LOVE IT!!! As a teen I had a fondness for Berkely Brethed's comic strip "Bloom County", and Opus the penguin was my favourite character. I have several of his books and have shown them to Bryce. Apparently he was reading about Tacky the penguin, and as he was relating the story to me, he kept saying, "Dad, he's a little bit like Opus!"
    Thanks again for fostering and nurturing learning and an inquisitive nature in our kids.

  2. Opus was a choice in one of the multiple choice questions! I would agree with Bryce's characterization of Tacky! So glad to hear he is enjoying himself.
